Extra Mile Development Foundation (EMDEF) complements government efforts in providing quality education to individuals as an instrument in changing their lives which is also in line with SDG4. We address various challenges that hinder access and success in learning and improve learning outcomes and interventions include but not limited to menstrual hygiene management, mentoring and tutoring, bursary program, infrastructure development, school readmission program for school dropouts, peer to peer learning through study cycles and writing/quiz/speech/storytelling competitions.
Looking at some of the achievements

Our Partners

Our Achievements
Menstrual Hygiene Management program
Conducted awareness sessions impacting over 4000 girls in 10 schools leading to a decrease in class absenteeism and improved class performance among girls.
School infrastructure development -
Constructed 4 girls and boys sanitation facilities at Engcongolweni, Enthongeni, Embombeni and St Dominic Primary School hence reducing open urination, defecation, and absenteeism among girls and boys.
Ending child marriages campaigns and school readmission program for school drop outs
Sent back 69 girls and boys to school with materials support in Machinga district and Mzimba north in 2021 and 2023. This led to an Increase in retention of girls in schools and raised awareness against child marriages.
Mentorship and tutoring sessions in STEM subjects in schools
STEM raised awareness on science subjects and career guidance in 4 primary schools.
Menstrual Hygiene
Established safe spaces for girls residing in Mulanje camps and raised awareness on menstrual hygiene management, sexual gender-based violence (SGBV) and reporting mechanisms. This enhanced knowledge and skills to deal with SGBV.
Bursary Program
Supported 12 students with tuition fees, school uniforms and basic necessities. This enabled students to continue education, addressing financial challenges.
Study circles
Established study cycles in the 4 primary schools in Mzimba north to improve class performance of learners
Writing Contests in Primary School
Conducted a composition writing competition, quiz and debates in 4 primary schools in Mzimba north.